Monday, October 25, 2010

More experiments with freeware! These are attempts #1 and 2 on a program called Dogwaffle. This program is a bit more complicated than Smoothdraw - but you can see it has potential! The bird is a bit skeletal but I got tired of messing with it so it is what it is and I am not sure about how to get the fractals right.

Give this program a try if you like, it has all kinds of fractal doodads and the brushes are something else - I think this one is a keeper for more painterly pursuits (once I figure out how to use it that is), Smoothdraw will be for posters and graphics. Here is the link for Dogwaffle:

Take a look at the video, I used it as a starting point. And did I mention this program is also free? Of course I did!


  1. I really like the first one! I downloaded that program several years ago but never tried it out!

  2. How cool. Thanks, Ursula, will check it out.
