Friday, May 21, 2010


The theme of our fall group exhibit is water.I'm leaning toward a preference for simply using the word water:

"WATER" or "Water" or "w•a•t•e•r" just to jazz it up visually.

Other ideas are:
"ART 4 H2O"
and my silliness always needs expression...."Like Water for Art"
And maybe simply..."Art for Water"

Nope. I'm still preferring the simple word "Water"
I think it best expresses the idea that the beauty of water, is that it simply 'is' --- so lets not screw (or drill) around with it!

Anyone else have thoughts about our theme?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Green Valley Artists - group blog

This blog is an experiment.

I'm hoping for a visual forum that makes sharing information and communication easier.

This art group blog will link to and from our official website,, as a way for all of the artist members in GVA to post happenings, art contests, juried shows, and their own art if they choose.

The blog is intended to be public -- so the information that we share and post here is meant to share who we are as a group, our artwork and exhibits.
